Address: 47/384 Lach Tray Street, Dang Giang Ward, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong City, Vietnam

Phone: (84) 225 3722116

Fax: (84) 225 3722118




Change area codes telephones

Change area codes telephones

We would like to announce CHANGE AREA CODES TELEPHONES by circular No. 22/2014 / TT-BTTT of the Ministry of Information and Communications

Vietnam looks to develop low-carbon industrial parks

Vietnam looks to develop low-carbon industrial parks

The Da Nang seafood service and Lien Chieu industrial parks have been selected to develop a low-carbon model and assist businesses to cut emissions under a project started in 2012.

Prime Minister approves power price hike of 7.5%

Prime Minister approves power price hike of 7.5%

A decision to this effect was approved by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung at a cabinet meeting on Thursday.

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